Highly Capable Program

About the Highly Capable Program

Pullman School District strives to ensure learning while challenging and supporting each student to achieve their full potential.  The Highly Capable Program focuses on meeting this mission by supporting students within the Highly Capable Program through accelerated learning and enhanced instruction tailored to the unique needs of our gifted and talented students. Please explore the links below to learn about our program model, specific services at each level, program contact information, parent resources and referral information.


Program Overview


Referral Process

The Highly Capable Referral Window is Closed.
Please try again next year. Kindergarten and transfer students in grades 1-12 can apply for highly capable services during the week of Fall Conferences in October 2024. Translated information can be found at the bottom of this page.

For more information on the referral process or to obtain a referral form, please follow the links below, contact the school psychologist at the student’s school or contact the Instructional Programs Office at (509) 332-3144 or email  [email protected]. Additional information, as well as the Highly Capable Family Information Packet, can also be found in the document container below. If you need a form in another language, please scroll to the bottom of this page and select "Highly Capable Program Packets/Forms folder, then select your language. If your language is not listed, please contact the Instructional Programs office. 

Highly Capable Program Advisory Committee

Are you interested in serving as a parent representative on the Highly Capable Program Advisory Committee for Pullman Public Schools? The committee aides in developing, monitoring, implementing, and evaluating the district's Highly Capable Program plan. The committee ensures compliance with state laws and administrative codes governing the Highly Capable Program, including equitable identification of low-income students, and makes recommendations, as needed, to the district Policy Committee and School Board regarding changes to the district policy and procedure. The committee meets 4x throughout the school year. If you are interested in joining the HCP Advisory Committee please contact the Instructional Programs office by phone at (509) 332-3144 or by email at [email protected]